A Father's Responsibility

Welcome back guys it has been a while! 

This week's topic hit home for me. Though I am not a father I know that I will become a father someday. A father's responsibility is to provide for his family; he has the responsibility of providing financial stability for his wife and kids. Of course, the father has other responsibilities as well, but I think that todays world puts so much emphasis on that specific one and this is a problem. I believe that it is a problem because men can get the wrong idea of what it means to be a dad. Being a dad is a more than providing financial stability. A father shares plenty of responsibilities with the mom. For example, they are both responsible for teaching responsibility, honesty, integrity, respect, and most importantly to teach love. In my opinion the responsibility of a father has so much overlap with a mothers responsibility. Yeah, they are both different and moms are more nurturing and caring but fathers are the same way except they show their love and affection a little different way.

My father does not show love physically very often. When I was younger, I never gave it thought when I was younger. However, I began to think about this ever since my girlfriend started to ask me questions on why my dad was not very physical. Her comments made me wonder and as I was looking back through my life, I also noticed that my dad rarely says “I love you” to me or any of my siblings. Now, do not be concerned; my dad loves me and all of my siblings very much, but he is just not very expressive in terms of words of physical affection. So how does my father love? That is the question I asked myself a couple months ago and for some time I thought that he did not really loved us and that was crazy!!! After talking to my mom about this topic she told me so many so many things about my dad, things that I would have never “connected” to love. My father shows us so much love through his teachings. Let me explain, my dad has always taught me and my brothers to be men of honor, men of respect, men that are reliable and that take responsibility for their own actions. There has never been a time where my dad was “too tired” to work. I mean its crazy how I cannot remember a day where my dad stayed home because he was tired. He always gets up for work even when he is tired. He does that because he knows that our family needs that days’ worth of money. He has always put our family’s needs over his and he would give up his life for us. He has dedicated his life to my mom and siblings and has tried his very best to teach us all of the characteristics mentioned above; I mean my dad loves us so much that he puts us over everything. He may not be very physical or expressive, but he has never stopped loving us. I respect my dad so much and I am very grateful for his efforts. In my opinion there is no better dad than him because he has shown us so much love, taught us so many good traits and has shown me what it means to be a Father. It means to be a good example, show endless love, and to teach your kids all of the great characteristics that a person can ultimately have.


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