
Showing posts from April, 2021


  Welcome back fellas! This week we talked about parenting and tips as to how become a better parent. This lesson meant a lot to because one of my top goals for when I have a family is that I want to be a good parent. I want to raise my kids in a great environment as well as teach them the good that there is to learn about life. In my class we learned about active parenting. What is active parenting? Active parenting is having both parents and a parent take a proactive approach to raising their children. Though the definition is not quite clear examples will help define active parenting. From what I have a great example of active parenting is having the parents be part of their child development. So how do we do this? First, I want to put this out there; active parenting is far more common than what you might be thinking. Most parents are in fact being an “active parent”. Active parenting means that we are there with our kids helping them grow from their mistakes and teaching...


  Welcome back blog reader! This week was super interesting but in a special kind of way. I am probably getting repetitive because I am pretty sure that every week I say “this week was super interesting” but any who… lol. This past week we discussed the importance of stress… well I guess I should say the benefits of stress. Yep, you read that correctly, benefits! Stress is often associated with events that are harmful to us in any way. For example, as of today I am feeling pretty stressed since I have fallen behind on some schoolwork for literally all of my classes. This is making me stressed and irritable. If we were to crack down on this issue you would see that the stressor is schoolwork. Now, thanks to the stress that the stressor is causing I am making myself get my homework done. Which in turn is making the “stress” a good emotion; it is making me get my homework done. I believe this to be true for most scenarios where stress is present. In this instance we will be talk...

Divorce and family

  What is up people, how are you all doing? It makes me a little sad that this is the final blog for my class, but I hope that all of you enjoyed learning a little more about family and family “issues” for lack of a better word. In this final blog I will be talking to you guys about divorces and remarriages. In this week’s lesson we looked at the different circumstances that cause marriages to separate. Some of the common circumstances are finances, relationship problems such as affairs and no-fault divorce. No-fault divorces becoming more and more common but first what is a no-fault divorce. A no-fault divorce is when a couple separates for no legitimate reason other than the fact that they do not want to be together anymore. Personally, I think that no-fault divorces are a bad thing because I think that couples should stick to the commitment that they made with their other person especially if kids are involved. When kids are involved, they are the ones that take most of th...