
Showing posts from February, 2021

Sexual Intimacy & Infidelity

  Welcome back blog readers! I hope all is well. In this week’s class we discussed Sexual Intimacy. This topic is quite an interesting one. A common misconception that people believe about sexual intimacy is that sexual intimacy only takes place during sexual intercourse. However, most sexual intimacy takes place out of the bedroom. What I mean by this is that most intimate things revolve around emotional connection. For a woman to feel loved and pleasured she needs more from her husband than only sex. Women need to feel safe, appreciated, taken care of, loved, and to feel an emotional connection with their husband. Do not get me wrong, sex is just as important as the things mentioned above. Sex is a selfless act between husband and wife. It saddens me that now a days people see sex as a “me” act; that way of thinking has a lot to do with how sex is currently being portrayed. Pornography in all its forms (videos, music, novels, movies) has portrayed sex as a selfish act. An a...


  Welcome back readers! This weeks’ class was very interesting. We discussed “transitioning into marriage”; personally, this subject really hit home since I plan on proposing to my girlfriend this spring. During class we went over the changes that will occur in marriage, introduction of kids, and the events leading to a wedding. Something that was very interesting to me was learning about an odd correlation; it was observed that the smaller the ring the greater the chances the couples have of being happier. This observation was really strange to me because I thought that the bigger the ring the happier the wife would be and then in return the marriage would be happier. Another thing I learned was that it is a great thing if the couple decides to get little financial help from either family for the wedding the happier the couple would be in the first year of marriage. The reason behind this being: if the newly weds get a lot of financial help they will be the responsibility/pr...


  Hello readers! I hope you guys had a great a week and that y’all are doing well. During this week’s class we talked about dating! I think that this topic fit pretty well since valentine’s days is right around the corner. Which is the week when everyone is going to the stores to buy flowers, chocolates, gifts, and coming up with the perfect date ideas. Also, this the time where guys become romantic machines!! On a more serious note… dating is an important aspect of life. Through dating we are able to find our other half, the person we choose to spend the rest of our lives with. To me personally, dating is a very important thing that is sadly losing it meaning. Back in the day a date was a planned activity where the people are taken care of and paid for. Typically, the man plans the activity, takes care of the girl (treats her well), and pays for the activity. Now, it feels like dating is more a time where people hang out and “waste” time together. When I say waste, I do not me...