Sexual Intimacy & Infidelity
Welcome back blog readers! I hope all is well. In this week’s class we discussed Sexual Intimacy. This topic is quite an interesting one. A common misconception that people believe about sexual intimacy is that sexual intimacy only takes place during sexual intercourse. However, most sexual intimacy takes place out of the bedroom. What I mean by this is that most intimate things revolve around emotional connection. For a woman to feel loved and pleasured she needs more from her husband than only sex. Women need to feel safe, appreciated, taken care of, loved, and to feel an emotional connection with their husband. Do not get me wrong, sex is just as important as the things mentioned above. Sex is a selfless act between husband and wife. It saddens me that now a days people see sex as a “me” act; that way of thinking has a lot to do with how sex is currently being portrayed. Pornography in all its forms (videos, music, novels, movies) has portrayed sex as a selfish act. An a...